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Computer Science/Computer Architecture & Organization

CA & CO Chapter 20 practice problem

by HaningYa 2020. 6. 11.


Show the micro-operations and control signals in the same fashion as Table 20.1 for the processor in figure 20.5 for the following instructions:

  • Load Accumulator
    t1: MAR <- (IR(address)) C8
    t2: MBR <- Memory C5, CR
    t3: AC <- (MBR) C10
  • Store Accumulator
    t1: MAR <- (IR(address)) C8
    t2: MBR <- AC C11
    t3: memory <- MBR C12,Cw
  • Add to Accumulator
    t1: MAR <- (IR(address)) C8
    t2: MBR <- Memory C5, CR
    t3: AC <- AC + MBR C6, C7, C9, Call
  • AND to Accumulator
    t1: MAR <-(IR(address)) C8
    t2: MBR <- Memory C5, CR
    t3: AC <- (AC) AND (MBR) Call, C6, C7, C9
  • Jump
    t1: PC <- IR(address) C3
  • Jump if AC = 0
    Test AC and active C3 if AC = 0
  • Complement Accumulator
    t1: AC <- (A̅C̅) CAll,C6,C7,C9


Assume that propagation delay along the bus and through the ALU of Figure 20.6 are 20 and 100ns, respectively. The time required for a register to copy data from the bus in 10ns. What is the time that must be allowed for

  • data from one register to another?
    propagation time of bus + copy time = 20ns + 10ns = 30ns
  • the program counter
    Z <- PC+1 : propagation time of bus + propagation time for ALU + copy time = 20ns + 10ns + 100ns = 130ns
    PC <- Z : propagation time of bus + copy time = 30ns
    total 160ns


Write the sequence of micro-operations required for the bus structure of Figure 20.6 to add a number to the AC when the number is

  • immediate operand
    t1: Y <- (IR(address))
    t2: Z <- (AC) + (Y)
    t3: AC <- (Z)
  • direct-address operand
    t1: MAR <- (IR(address))
    t2: MBR <- (Memory)
    t3: Y <- (MBR)
    t4: Z <- (AC) + (Y)
    t5: AC <- (Z)
  • indirect-address operand
    t1: MAR <- (IR(address))
    t2: MBR <- (Memory)
    t3: MAR <- (MBR)
    t4: MBR <- Memory
    t5: Y <- (MBR)
    t6: Z <- (AC) + (Y)
    t7: AC <- (Z)

