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- computer networks -> Digital Network
- internet
- ip address
- data packet
- AP (memory + CPU)
WAN: Wide Area Network
- SK Telecom
- LGU+
- KT
- WAN node 에서 packet 이 AP 로 들어온다.
packet은 [source address | destination address | data] 로 구성된다. - AP에서는 CPU가 packet을 처리하고 메모리에 저장된다.
- sub network들은 각자 ip주소와 port 가 있다.
- need to decide where to go (what port) - Routing
- [port | ip] address is located in memory (like table) -> Routing Table
- final action: forwarding packet to port
[Summary - main idea of Computer Networks (packet-switching based networks) ]
- Store
- Routing
- Forwarding
- Interent
- Packet Switching Network
- Store and forward
Store and forward - Wikipedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search telecommunications technique Store and forward is a telecommunications technique in which information is sent to an intermediate station where it is kept and sent at a later time to th
Layered - Architecture
System (computer device) has some communication architecture
-> Layered Architecture
like Package delivery system
- internet ip address (internet protocol)
- ip protocol support end-to-end delivery
- end means end node
- to exchange data with end to end we need address so use ip address
Physical (real) delivery system
- in physical delivery system, we may have road, hub, terminal, your apartment(mom dad you),
- path: consist of a set of link(edge)
- path actually means end to end delivery
- above picture has 4 links
- end to end delivery consist of hop to hop delivery
- one thing that we do not cover in this delivery system to get the package successfully
Hop-by-hop transport - Wikipedia
Process to Process delivery (like Tom to John)
packetSwitching 기본 테크닉
- store
- routing
- forwarding
시스템 이해하려면 아키텍처를 이해해야함 (계층적 구조)
- (윗단) process to process 간에 통신을 하려면 패킷이 시스템에 와야한다.
- (중간) end to end delivery 시스템까지 도달하는 방식
- (아래) hop to hop delivery : path 가 되려면 여러개의 Link 로 구성되어 있으니 Link 단위로 넘어가는 것
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